Saturday, March 8


I am so obsessed with knitting and yarn that I decided it was time to give this obsession its very own blog.

If you had told me a few years ago that I would spend my free time tangled up in yarn and needles I would have responded with a very rude word. However, I've found that knitting is good for the soul; in times of stress, the repetition of knitting and purling is almost hypnotic. No thought is needed and, as each tiny knot is made using the needles, a little of the angst disappears.

My mum was an inveterate knitter, but she never finished anything properly. I never saw her block and press, that's for sure! She was quick though. I now realise that this was because she knitted 'continental' style - never lifting her hand from her needles because she had this nifty way of throwing the yarn over the needle point. I can't to it and for many years I was embarrassed to knit in public because I thought I was doing it wrong. I now find that I'm doing it the way loads of people do and she was in the minority. I wish she was alive so that I could gloat!

Anyway, I shall attempt to keep this stream of consciousness going - if I can tear myself away from my yarn for long enough.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Welcome to blog world. I'll spread the word. I'll be posting about you soon!!!!!! I have about 10 regular and sweet readers. When I run a contest, then I have more sweet readers!