Saturday, April 12


On Thursday night, April 10th, at four minutes past eleven, I helped in the delivery of my first grandchild - Alfie. Alfie weighed 7lbs 8oz and was born after a very difficult and very long labour, which I attended both as a mother and a midwife. It was the most emotionally exhausting 48 hours of my life but, like childbirth itself, was worth every minute.

My rough, tough son-in-law cried like the softie he really is and my daughter worked like a trojan to push the baby into the world with the help of a ventouse. Without her strength, stamina, and perseverance it is highly likely that we would be in far from celebratory mood right now - it was touch and go.

I am proud to call Jo Tait my daughter - and boy, do we have some stories to tell Alfie when he's grown.

Pictures to follow - nice pix, not gory ones!


kathy b said...

Oh Flooz, how wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll bet it was exhausting. Love the Trojan push analogy!

Love the baby's name! Sooooo cute. ALfie!

Life is sweet.

kathy b said...

I spoke with the postman today. He says to wait just a bit more with your sock. It is possible it took this long......Im waiting! Im so sorry

Bake Me A Cake! said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How exciting!!! Very special that you got to be there and assist at the birth. Best wishes to you and your family...